The Legislative Committee monitors legislative developments at the state and federal level, that could impact county infrastructure and funding and advise the NACE Board of Directors and Executive Committee of such legislation. The committee analyzes the proposed laws, advocate for favorable legislation, and provide input to policymakers and agencies on issues relevant to county engineering, infrastructure funding, regulations, and related matters. They may also recommend strategies and/or resolutions for influencing legislation or regulations within the NACo legislative process.
The Legislative Committee should be comprised of at least one member from each region plus one member from the Executive Committee as appointed by the President. The Chair shall be appointed as per Article V of the NACE By-Laws. The NACE Executive Director shall be an ex- officio, non-voting, member of this committee. The Chair should have considerable interest, time and resources to coordinate committee activities as well as sufficient financial backing to attend key national meetings as necessary.
1. Develop NACE policy/positions relative to national legislation that impacts county engineering.
2. Develop NACE response to federal agency rule making processes that impact county engineering.
3. Actively lobby for specific national legislation objectives that impact county engineering.
4. Coordinate State affiliate efforts in those areas noted above.
5. Monitor State legislation that impacts county engineering and may be of interest to other states. Report
those findings to the NACE membership.
Currently, the committee meets 2 to 4 times per year. One required meeting shall be held at the Annual Conference and two additional meetings should be held in conjunction with the next scheduled NACE Board of Directors meeting and in conjunction with the NACo Legislative Conference. This Committee may schedule additional meetings at the call of the Chair. These meetings may be by teleconference and should be coordinated with the office of the NACE Executive Director.